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If you're going to issue a lyric challenge you really should make it difficult :)

My favorite time singing those words was at the John Mayer/Maroon 5 concert at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheatre in Irvine, CA. We were outdoors, under the stars while John got acoustic and we all flipped open the cell phone to join him in singing ... The Wheel.

"I believe that my life's gonna see the love I give returned to me"

Thanks for the shameless plug! I'll let you know what kind of influence you have over your readership.

do they not have ice cream trucks in texas? what about schwanns? does texas have schwanns?

Ummmm I've played Scrabble so I think it's HILARIOUS that you read a book about competitive Scrabble players...HILARIOUS. I will stop laughing...............now.

That should say, I've NEVER played Scrabble...my bad...

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