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I love me some Bill Simmons but I was disappointed with the world series. Another Red Sox victory? *yawn* I can't outright root for the Rockies next year since they are in the same division as the Cubbies, but they were definitely a force to be reckoned with, with a seemingly unbeatable streak. Oh well, I'm counting down the days until spring training!

What a great blog... you combined baseball, grammar rules, Starbucks, and A-Rod leaving the Rangers' payroll. This may be your best ever, Mr. Brown.

What up db! 2 things for you...

1. Gimme a call on my cell. Tried to call yours but it's disconnected...I got a mac laptop and I'm wanting to try out this whole video chat stuff. Let me clarify though - this is just on a friendly basis and nothing more so don't let your mind wander.

2. Dude - Amy (from "Curt and Amy" fame) is an absolutely amazing photographer. I checked out her blog from a link on your page and was blown away. I sent an email for some tips and she replied w/ some great info. Just in case you didn't already know - she's got a real talent.


Nice. Great stuff with too many classic "dbrownisms" to name...Nice shout out to the best musical group of all time too...That would be Boys To Men in case you were wondering...

It also is the host of the Running for Women series, which allows women of all running abilities to train with others with similar running goals in a safe, coached environment.

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