I know, I know. You've already seen everyone else's blogs about their goals and / or resolutions for next year. And that's fine. I'm mostly posting this so I can make fun of it when December 2009 gets here (in just 335 short days). So without further adieu...
Stuff I Would Like to See Happen In 2009:
- Run a half marathon (scheduled for February 15 in Austin).
- Catch a show (and some great food!) at Stubbs Bar-B-Que in Austin.
- Attend at least one music festival.
- Not sell my third week of vacation back to the bank like I stupidly did in 2008.
- Take a real vacation (California? New York City? Vegas? Europe? We'll see...)
- Check out the Houston area museum scene.
- Read at least 12 books.
- Actually use the photo scanner I bought on sale in 2007 (because that's what this blog, nay, the entirety of the internets has been missing - photos of me from junior high and high school).
- Go to a baseball game, since I somehow missed out on all of the 2008 season.
I'm sure I'll think of others, but I'm hanging with friends tonight. And spending more quality time with friends that go back 10+ years is always on my to do list, so I'm wrapping this up. (Also, if I finish this I might prevent Nic or Justin from picking a stupid movie to watch tonight).
My favorite museum here is the Museum of Natural Science...their rotating exhibits tend to be the best...but the my other favorite (so I guess it's not really a favorite since I can't pick one over the other) is the Holocaust Museum. Wow. The next time I'm here we should go to one!
Posted by: Autumn | January 01, 2009 at 02:04 PM