(Last night I had one of the best times I've had in a long time. I sat down this morning to write it up with a large cup of coffee, but noon has passed and the coffee is long since gone and I've barely covered the back story leading up to last night. So rather than write the longest. post. EVER. I'm just going to break it into two parts (plus, if Typepad ate this post I would probably cry for the rest of the weekend. Um, not that I have cried. Ever. In my life. Okay, this parenthetical intro is spiraling out of control in record time. Here's the preamble to my rockin' Friday night {trademark - Amy) it's probably only interesting to a handful of people, but since I'm one of those people, it's going up. Stay tuned for part two, where I actually cover Friday night and will hopefully avoid another long-ass introduction. Ahem.)
As my friends and any long-time readers of this blog are well aware, my favorite band is Counting Crows. Hands down, no contest, favorite band of all time - as evidenced here, here, and here. Oh, and here and here and here. So you can imagine how hard I almost fell off my couch last Saturday night when my awesome (and well-connected) friend Alicia called to tell me they were playing a private show for charity in Dallas the following Friday. My favorite band? In my own backyard? I was definitely going.
Now it was just a matter of finding some friends to drag along with me...and this is one of those cool times when you can see God dropping all the dominoes perfectly into place. My first call was to Curt and Amy, since (1) we already had plans to hang out that night, and (2) they're big CC fans, too. Now, the backdrop scene to all these phone calls was my getting ready for my friend Deanna's birthday dinner (happy birthday, Deanna!). So I had Alicia waiting (with the patience of a saint) to place my ticket order (because she's like the cool younger sister I never had) and Curt and Amy working out the logistics of baby-sitters and whatnot; all while I was meeting some of my favorite long-time "Euless friends" for dinner and not knowing how much to say about my newfound need-a-fun-concert-crew dilemma.
Fast-forward several hours: Curt finally RSVP'ed "yes" and sometime around midnight our dinner group is winding down after a fun time hanging out (featuring some delicious homemade birthday cake). When Kelly asked me what I was doing the next weekend, I had to admit that just hours earlier I had lucked into getting Counting Crows tickets. She...was a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. She kind of sounded like I would have if the roles had been reversed. Apparently she's a fan from way back, too. It took me, oh, I don't know, maybe 1/10th of a second to figure out I should get another ticket. Anyone that excited about seeing my favorite band obviously deserves to go, right?
A day later the last ticket was reserved and all that remained for the four of us was to wait out the week ahead. (And to worry about what to wear. I won't mention any names, but it wasn't me. 'Cause I've never worried about silly stuff like that. Ever. In my life. Honest.)
And that is the long and the short (okay, mostly the long...but I swear I left some stuff out) of the events leading up to my awesome Friday night. Stay tuned for part two...it'll be up as soon as I stretch my legs and grab a cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper from Sonic (though I'm told they also make a mean Diet Coke. And Peach Tea, too, from what Curt says. But I wouldn't know. I draw the line at fruity flavored tea).